Grammar Nerd
This title is a bit misleading. For while I do consider myself a word nerd, I have never considered myself a grammar nerd. Yes, I spent...
2017: Ready or Not
Happy 2017! It is crazy to think that the new year has begun (not that I am terribly sad to say goodbye to 2016) and that the spring...
Sixty-Four Weeks Strong
What a strange number. I am not sure how the term sixty-four weeks became the prominent timetable in our lives. A semester is sixteen...
Listening and Becoming
If you include my graduate school years, I have been teaching college students since 1998. For almost twenty years I have had the...
When Words Are Not Enough
Sometimes we write words that have meaning in any number of rhetorical situations. As I scrolled through my various social media outlets...
This is a post I made to the group Tumblr I am creating for a digital literacies course. I thought I would share it here as well. Welcome...
Writing, Teaching, and the Mouse
At this time of year I tend to find myself somewhat overwhelmed with the back-to-school to-do lists and the many ideas that come with the...
Last year at this time I was sobbing as I typed a Facebook message explaining to friends, family, and cyberacquaintances that my daughter...
A Decade Later
I think: this time, I’m here, I’m swimming, I’m coming back to shore, I’ll see my friends Who weathered the storm, went under,...
"I Stand Here Writing"
Every year for the past three years I have had my graduate students who are teaching at our institution for the first time read Nancy...